In a world that moves ever so rapidly, it's nice to slow down and appreciate the little things.
By Henry Adeleye on November 27, 2014

It's Thanksgiving, so it's only right to think of all the things you're thankful for. But maybe you're one of those people who think there's nothing to appreciate this year. Perhaps, some things didn't go as planned, or maybe life dealt you a hand that feels unfair and undeserved. You have a dilemma. Everyone's posting things on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram about what they're thankful for and you're feeling left out. No need to fret. Here are 11 things that everyone should be thankful for:
1. Life
Because just being alive is a blessing. In a world where people are dying from sickness, violence, and tragedy, be thankful to be able to wake up each day.
2. Family
Because even if they get on your nerves, they're still always there for you. And maybe they're not always there for you. Figure out why and make peace with them. Everyone doesn’t have this luxury, so don't waste it.
3. Friends
They were there for the good times and the bad. They were there when you were on top of the world and when you messed up. In fact, if they're your real friends, they may have helped you mess up. Be thankful for all the experiences you’ve had with them.
4. Your Mistakes
A clouded judgment, a stray, wandering eye, a bad career move, following the money instead of your passion. Whatever mistakes you’ve made, whether forgiven or not, have helped shape you into the person you are today and have shown you what not to do. Be thankful for the lessons they've given you, lesson you could never learn in school.
5. Not Being Don Lemon
He's had a pretty rough couple of weeks. Just be glad it's him and not you.
6. Love
For butterflies, first dates, candy, and flowers. For everything loving someone is, and everything being loved gives.
7. Heartbreak
Because without heartbreak, you wouldn't know how good finding someone special is. Because it teaches you lessons you wouldn't otherwise be taught. Because it teaches you that you deserve more. Be thankful.
8. Your Privileges
Be thankful for the opportunities afforded to you. For the opportunity to be free and to have no limit to how far you can go. Of course everyone doesn't start at the same place, but everyone can get to wherever their talents and determination can take them.
9. Food
Thanksgiving dinners, Feed the Hungry programs, soup kitchens. Be thankful for the meals you will receive today.
10. Football
Because without football, we'd all have to watch Thanksgiving day parades. Thank you, football.
11. Your Situation
If you can read this, you probably have access to a computer or smartphone. You're already doing better than most people in the world. Be thankful.